Donate to Parent Help
Donations are invaluable in helping us to continue our mission to support parents to build resilient and positive families/whānau.
How to donate
Online banking
Parent Help bank account number is: Kiwibank 38 9022 0444316 00. Please include in the reference, your surname and home town/city.

Your donation will make a difference!
Over the years, we have received thousands of calls to our free Helpline. We have parents learning about great parenting at our courses. Our counsellors support parents in making positive changes.
$600 provides 6 family therapy sessions for vulnerable families
$120 provides one hour counselling or family therapy
$40 provides for responding to a Helpline call
$10 will provide Parenting Information to be sent to a family
Making a donation to Parent Help, however small or large, will help us to reach even more families and to increase the services we have been offering to parents and families since 1989. As a non profit organisation, we need your help to continue and expand our work. Our wish is for all New Zealand children to be raised in a positive and safe environment and with your help we can make this happen.
A regular gift
If you would like to make a gift to Parent Help on a regular basis, such as monthly or quarterly, please contact us. Regular giving is most helpful in our planning and budgeting. We do greatly appreciate your commitment if you choose to give through this option.
Parent Help is a registered charity (CC10475) and any gift of $5 or more is eligible for a tax rebate at the end of the tax year.
Thank you.